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Wisdom Tooth Extraction and Procedure

Woman with tooth pain

Even the thought of having an oral surgery can bring a chill down the spine for many. Most people think that it’s better to ignore a tooth ache to avoid surgery is a better idea which unfortunately just makes the aches more terrible and the surgery more complicated. Apart from root canal treatment, wisdom tooth extraction is another dental treatment that can cause a lot of apprehension in many people. However, getting your wisdom tooth extracted has many benefits other than relieving the aches.

Before we move forward with the benefits of getting your wisdom tooth extracted, lets us see the what is wisdom tooth and why is it extracted?

Wisdom Tooth Extraction is a procedure to remove wisdom tooth. Also known as the third molars, wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 17 and 25. When these teeth don’t have the proper room to grow, it gets impacted (blocked from breaking through the gum). Another factor that makes extraction is necessary is the anatomy of the wisdom teeth itself. Although a wisdom tooth is multi rooted with lower wisdom teeth having two and upper having three roots. The variation of the roots of the wisdom tooth form varies from person to person. Some may have wisdom teeth with separate and distinct roots and for some, the roots will be fused. This is what makes wisdom tooth extraction different from any other tooth extraction.

Even painless impacted wisdom teeth can create trouble and cause periodontal disease if left unattended. Here are some of the common complications associated with impacted tooth:

  • Pain and swelling in the jaw
  • Inflamed gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Damage to the surrounding structures

This happens cause food gets trapped between the impacted tooth. Thus, getting your wisdom tooth extracted can benefit you in the long run.

Why do you need to remove your wisdom teeth?

Other than getting rid of the complications, here are five reasons removing wisdom teeth can be beneficial for you:

  • Inflammation and Infection – When the tooth is partially impacted and has limited space, wisdom teeth can lead to gum inflammation. Gum inflammation can lead to gum disease or can even cause other health risks. Gum inflammation is difficult to alleviate. Also, a partially impacted tooth can cause infection too.
  • Overcrowding – Wisdom teeth erupt in an already crowded area. This can cause a misalignment as the neighboring teeth are pushed aside.
  • Damage to nearby teeth – Other than overcrowding, wisdom teeth can even damage the adjacent second molars by bone loss and cavities.
  • Cysts or Tumors – An impacted wisdom tooth can even lead to cysts in the jawbone. These tumors can even lead to a variety of TMJ treatment.
  • Difficult to keep clean – Even if you experience no pain on the arrival of your wisdom teeth. A wisdom tooth can make flossing and brushing difficult. This can cause a hygiene issue and lead to cavities and plaque buildup.

What happens during the wisdom tooth extraction procedure?

The night before your tooth extraction, it is advised to avoid consuming heavy meal after midnight. Depending on your comfort level, the dentist will use three types of anesthesia:

  • Local Anesthesia – The oral surgeon administers the local anesthesia with an injection near the impacted area. The area will be numb and you will be awake during the surgery.
  • Sedation Anesthesia – This is applied through the intravenous (IV) line in your nerves. During the procedure, you will be unconscious.
  • General Anesthesia – This is used on special occasions. You will inhale medication or take anesthesia via IV line in your arms.

During wisdom tooth extraction:

  • If the tooth hasn’t come through the gum, an incision is made to expose the tooth and bone.
  • The tooth is cut into smaller sections to remove easily through the opening and you wouldn’t feel pain during the surgery.
  • After the site is cleaned from tooth debris, the wound is stitched shut to heal it faster.

After the surgery:

The stitches take about 7 to 10 days to dissolve, your dentist will place gauze over the site of the extraction. You will be asked to keep pressure by biting your jaws so the blood clot in the empty tooth socket as it is a part of the healing process. Wisdom teeth may cause discomfort for some and some may not feel any pain at all. For peace of mind, getting your wisdom tooth extracted can address any future concern you may have.

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We’re always accepting new patients, and we’re always excited to meet Mississauga families who are looking for a better dental care experience. Whether you’d like to visit for a check-up and cleaning or more complex treatment, get in touch today!